Wam scholarship application forms will be mailed on March 30, and will be due to the wam committee no later than April 30
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Introduction – Why do I need to know this? When am I ever going to use this?Introduction – Why do I need to know this? When am I ever going to use this?
In other words, the point of the course is to grow your capacity as a thinker and a communicator
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Course ObjectiveCourse Objective
Lafs, Benchmarks and Common Core Standards. In following this schedule, our goal as English/Reading instructors is to teach, analyze, emphasize, and discuss reading and writing skills
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Introduction – Why do I need to know this? When am I ever going to use this?Introduction – Why do I need to know this? When am I ever going to use this?
In other words, the point of the course is to grow your capacity as a thinker and a communicator
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Standard World History: Mrs. Kimberly K. Curran/Atlantic Coast High SchoolStandard World History: Mrs. Kimberly K. Curran/Atlantic Coast High School
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